
25/05/2007   par

Attention : Rappel de detendeurs APEKS à étrier

détendeur ATX 200 apeksMessage a l'attention de tous les clients d'Apeks. Il peut y avoir un probleme d'etrier sur les detendeurs dont les numero de serie sont compris entre 7010001 et 7053528. Tous les revendeurs et distributeurs Apeks ont ete informes. Rendez visite a votre revendeur pour une inspection du detendeur. Ne plongez pas avec tant qu'il n'a pas ete inspecte. S'il vous est impossible d'avoir une inspection du detendeur, contactez le service client Apeks. " Recall - Apeks Yoke Screw potential fault "RECALL To all Apeks Customers. There maybe a potential problem with the yoke clamp screw on any yoke clamp type regulator with the serial number starting from 7010001 - 7053528. All Apeks dealers and distributors have been made aware of this issue. Please return your logo apeksyoke clamp screw to your nearest Apeks dealer for inspection, do not dive with the regulator until it has been inspected. If it is not possible for you to return the yoke clamp screw for inspection, then please contact Apeks' Customer Service Department for assistance. Apeks apologizes for any inconvenience this recall might cause. We are dedicated to making the world's best diving products and to ensuring diver safety at all costs. This solution is the only reasonable course of action."  Information transmise par scubacastor

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