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offre recycleurs militaires Draeger, Fenzy, IDA

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  • 2 months later...

recycleurs a echanger / vendre




A ce moment j'ai en stock:

IDA59M etat utilisee 250,- E / etat neuf 450,- E

IDA64A dans ca boite avec pieces et utils neuf 800,-E

IDA71U dans ca boite avec pieces et utils neuf 1000,-E

IDA76 / AT-1 neuf 350,- E

IP-5 sans filtre 100,-E

FENZY 66H cautchouc sechee 100,-E / bon etat 200,-E

Drager LAR5 etat utilisee sans bouteille O2 2000,-E

Pompe oxygene manuelle KP-4 650,-E


Je peut envoier photo's


Je recherche materiel de plongee ancienne ( a casque ) aussi documentation. Par example j'ai echangee en 2002 une TBE IDA59M contre une catalogue Siebe Gorman de 1958.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello there


What you are looking for is rather rare and I don't have much in stock. I can offer the FENZY 66H ( in good condition 200 euro; in bad condition / dry rubber 100 euro ) Also I have two style of OXIMIX 3 charioteer rebreathers made by Fenzy ( each with a triple tank on the chest and the rebreather on the back ) and an incomplete french DC55. Let me know what you need and then we will see what you can offer in exchange or in euro's


Best regards,


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